“I Am Second” is a movement meant to inspire people of all kinds to live for God and for others. Actors. Athletes. Musicians. Business leaders. Your next-door neighbor. People like you share their stories of how God became first in their lives. 
From time to time, Stepping Stones will invite a guest speaker to share a message. Click the button to listen to these messages. 
We all have goals, plans, hopes, and dreams for the future. Things we want to start – or maybe stop – doing. But how do we get there? This series explores some spiritual and practical steps you can take to become the person you want to be in five years. 
“I Am Second” is a movement meant to inspire people of all kinds to live for God and for others. Actors. Athletes. Musicians. Business leaders. Your next-door neighbor. People like you share their stories of how God became first in their lives. 
You’re not alone. God is with us in every moment of life. He’s with us through pain. He comforts us in the waiting. He gives us courage when we feel anxious. “God With Us” provides an inspirational reminder of the impact of Christ’s birth. Join us as we celebrate the birth of our savior, Jesus, and his presence in our lives. 
There are some people that just seem to suck the life out of us. Some are endlessly needy; others complain. Some you can’t trust because they’re manipulative, or just hypocrites. We know we’re supposed to love them, but honestly, sometimes it’s just plain difficult. In this series, we’ll be putting a name to this type of person: Relational Vampires. 

Join us as we look at some recently released movies and discover Biblical truths in modern culture. Get some popcorn in the lobby, sit back and enjoy as you discover how God is at work in the world around us, even in the themes of popular movies. God’s truth and love are so much a part of the world we live in that you’ll see God “At the Movies”.

What really makes for a happy life? A dream job, a bigger house, or a new relationship? If you’re always hungry for the next big thing, but frustrated because it never seems to satisfy, you might be Chasing Carrots. It’s time to hop off the treadmill and chase after something real.

From time to time, Stepping Stones will invite a guest speaker to share a message. Click the button to listen to these messages.

Prayers aren’t empty words hurled at the sky. They’re conversations – in fact, they’re the most important conversations of our lives. This series focuses on Paul’s prayers for the early church and the “so that” statements he used in his writing. 

Passed down from generation to generation…
Legends of battles and floods, kings and giants…
Tales as old as time, but with truth that is timeless.
Our reoccurring summer message series began in 2013.

In a world that’s hyper-focused on the here and now, we’re called to build something lasting. The four-part series teaches us to create a legacy that stands the test of time. With messages on raising Godly children, saving and giving with purpose, and lasting faith, Outlasters prepares the church to see beyond our daily tasks to the plan God has for our future.

Your life has a soundtrack. Every peak, every low note, and every rhythm make up a part of who you are. Don’t just shuffle through your days — create a “Playlist” worth listening to!

Often in the busyness of contemporary culture, we lose sight of the priority and importance of maintaining our families. This series identifies many issues today’s families face and offers sound Biblical principles that are accessible and attainable. We can make choices that will change the atmosphere in our homes. Make the choice to have your best family in 30 days. 

From time to time, Stepping Stones will invite a guest speaker to share a message. Click the button to listen to these messages.

Chalk it up to coincidence or luck if you want, but we think there’s something bigger going on when the impossible happens. This series centers on wonder and joy.
When Pigs Fly is all about appreciating the fantastic, crazy, outlandish miracles that really happen and opening our eyes to the miraculous work Jesus can do in our hearts.
“I Am Second” is a movement meant to inspire people of all kinds to live for God and for others. Actors. Athletes. Musicians. Business leaders. Your next-door neighbor. People like you share their stories of how God became first in their lives. 

Who Needs Christmas? Seriously, who needs it? Well, as it turns out, we all do. But it might not be for the reasons you think. With the many responsibilities and stresses that can fill our lives as we prepare for Christmas day, this series will be focusing on why Christmas is so important: To the world, to people of faith, to God and to you.

How different would the world look if everyone got what they deserved? Would your salary be the same? What would our prisons look like? Would nice guys finish first or last? Or would things be a lot worse? In this series we will take a look at the things we actually deserve that God’s forgiveness spares us from: death, condemnation, rejection, and being counted out. 

Join us as we look at some recently released movies and discover Biblical truths in modern culture. Get some popcorn in the lobby, sit back and enjoy as you discover how God is at work in the world around us, even in the themes of popular movies. God’s truth and love are so much a part of the world we live in that you’ll see God “At the Movies”.

In Jesus’ time on Earth, He wasn’t interested in token gestures. He didn’t care about outward behavior. He shook up anyone whose faith was lukewarm, and He brought hope to the broken, the lost, and those tangled in sin by showing them what true worship could be. In this series, we’ll go beyond the simple slogans of what it means to follow Christ, and open ourselves up to discover the knots in our lives that Jesus wants to Undo. 
“Changing methods… unchanging message” We believe that we should communicate with people in a way that they understand. This means that we must use methods that fit into our culture. We will use whatever means of communication that will help people to understand God’s message of truth. 
Guest speaker Pastor Sherri Pifer shares a message of Love.
Pastor Rock Pifer shares a Palm Sunday message.
Pastor Rock Pifer also shares a message on the “Joy of the Lord”.
Passed down from generation to generation…
Legends of battles and floods, kings and giants…
Tales as old as time, but with truth that is timeless.
Our reoccurring summer message series began in 2013. 
“I Am Second” is a movement meant to inspire people of all kinds to live for God and for others. Actors. Athletes. Musicians. Business leaders. Your next-door neighbor. People like you share their stories of how God became first in their lives. 

Jesus called us to love our neighbors. As the world grows more connected, our neighbors seem closer than ever. You might not share a fence, but you can still share their burdens and joys. Each week of this series focuses on a different aspect of
How to Neighbor.

The Bible is full of wisdom. People love to quote their favorite verse to encourage and inspire each other – but sometimes, those verses get taken out of context. What happens when the most important message of all gets Twisted? 

There’s so much pain and hurt in the world, sometimes it’s hard to see anything else? The greatest sacrifice in history shows us how to make it happen. Let’s learn to
Love Like Jesus.

Guest speaker Pastor Sherri Pifer shares a message of Love.
Pastor Rock Pifer shares a Palm Sunday message.
Words are powerful. They can beat us down and lift us up. They wound and they heal. And the right words at the right time can be exactly what we need to hear – or what we need to say. Let’s find the right words to put in My Big Fat Mouth. 
Did you know there are more slaves in the world today than at any other time in history? In fact, there is evidence there are more slaves in the United States today than during the civil war. But what can we do to help end this modern day slavery? 

Let’s face it. Not a day goes by that you’re not tempted to glance to the left and to the right to see how you measure up to the people around you. But it doesn’t stop there, does it? You’re tempted to compare your children to other children, your spouse to other spouses! It’s frustrating. It’s exhausting. It’s a trap! In this 3-part series, we will explore the difficult – but not impossible – challenge of escaping
The Comparison Trap.

The Christmas season is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year – but not because of the things associated with the season. Jesus, the Light of the World, ultimately shines through the darkness of anger, shame, disappointment and sorrow to bring life to the whole world. 
Should I stay? Should I go? Sell it? Start it? Stop it? Did you know there’s a question that makes it easy to determine the answer to all the other questions? It’s true. All you have to do is “Ask It”. 
Join us as we look at some recently released movies and discover Biblical truths in modern culture. Get some popcorn in the lobby, sit back and enjoy as you discover how God is at work in the world around us, even in the the themes of popular movies. God’s truth and love are so much a part of the world we live in that you’ll see God “At the Movies“. 
We all feel the weight of our calendars. Every day, it’s one more thing – more and more and more, until we’re overwhelmed and overcommitted. We want breakthrough, but there’s just no room. Join us as we learn how God helps us make space and find the Margin in our lives. 
Passed down from generation to generation…
Legends of battles and floods, kings and giants…
Tales as old as time, but with truth that is timeless.
Our reoccurring summer message series began in 2013.

Everything has a starting point – your life, your relationships, your education, your career. Sometimes we forget that faith has a starting point as well. No matter when your faith began, if you’ve never found faith, or if your faith seems to be lost, join us for this conversation about faith, and a fresh beginning.

The Holy Spirit Brings It – Assurance
Guest Pastor Merry Kendall teaches us how the Holy Spirit can help our prayer lives.
From Good to Bad to Great. Here the Easter story from 2017.

In this day and age, most people are striving for more…a better job, a larger house, a flashier car, and the list goes on. There is more to life than chasing that elusive carrot that dangles so temptingly in front of you. Discover how to be truly rich, with what you already have.

“I Am Second” is a movement meant to inspire people of all kinds to live for God and for others. Actors. Athletes. Musicians. Business leaders. Your next-door neighbor. People like you share their stories of how God became first in their lives. 
We’re breaking the winter “blahs” in February with some great worship and teaching. Join us for these exciting worship opportunities:
February 5 – Football Sunday
February 12 – Freedom Sunday
February 19 – 242 / Youth Sunday
February 26 – Guess Speaker Dave Anderson

ed up with the status quo? Had enough of just getting by? Tired of how things are in your life? The way things are isn’t the way things have to be. Come and see what happens when we are ready to say, “I Quit!” 
Join us this Christmas season as we take a journey back to the original Christmas and see how the birth of a Savior can impact our own journey today.

“The Time is Now” is the study of the book of Haggai and how God used the prophet to lead Israel to rebuild God’s temple. This series will encourage you to act on what God is calling you to do.

Jesus is the Prince of Peace.
We are all called to be peacemakers.
Join us as we look at some recently released movies and discover Biblical truths in modern culture. Get some popcorn in the lobby, sit back and enjoy as you discover how God is at work in the world around us, even in the the themes of popular movies. God’s truth and love are so much a part of the world we live in that you’ll see God “At the Movies“. 
Temptation is the seductive little voice that twists what you want into what you need. It distorts your thoughts until you’re trapped – and when you’re trapped by temptation, it’s not the time to listen to yourself. Learn to put your trust in someone who knows A Way Out. God always gives us a way out. 
Passed down from generation to generation…
Legends of battles and floods, kings and giants…
Tales as old as time, but with truth that is timeless.
Our reoccurring summer message series began in 2013. 
In the movie, Wizard of Oz, the characters are dealing with many of the same issues that we all face… finding our way, discovering who we are, dealing with those who are against us, feeling like a stranger in a strange land. Join us as we journey down the yellow brick road together and discover our place in God’s “Emerald City”. 
Compassion feels the sorrow of another and has a strong desire to ease or eliminate the suffering. Jesus did two things when he received sad news: He withdrew by himself and He got busy. 
It doesn’t matter who you are, what you believe, or what you’ve done, there’s a place for you in the local church. It’s not a building. It’s a movement of people following a loving God and serving each other. Come see the spot carved out just for you. Join us as we discover A Place for Everyone. 
Tired of watching marriages crumble? Fed up with seeing relationships fall apart? Join the fight against destructive relationships and make five commitments that will make your relationships last From This Day Forward. 
Too often, we make huge plans and major resolutions, and we get burned out when we can’t keep them. Let’s focus on making small, manageable, incremental changes that really add up. When we guard our words, make our thoughts obedient to Christ, and cultivate new actions, we can see long term life change. Small things can make a Big Difference in our lives. 
“I Am Second” is a movement meant to inspire people of all kinds to live for God and for others. Actors. Athletes. Musicians. Business leaders. Your next-door neighbor. People like you share their stories of how God became first in their lives. 
Everything changed in a moment. When Jesus was born, he gave us the chance to be known, accepted, and forgiven. When we experience his love, we can’t help but Come to Worship. 
Jesus’ invitation to his first-century audience was really an invitation to relationship. It began with a simple request – Follow me. Join us as we journey through the Gospels and trace Jesus’ teaching on what it means to follow…and prepare to see your faith radically changed. 
Join us as we look at some recently released movies and discover Biblical truths in modern culture. Get some popcorn in the lobby, sit back and enjoy as you discover how God is at work in the world around us, even in the themes of popular movies. God’s truth and love are so much a part of the world we live in that you’ll see God “At the Movies”. This is a reoccurring message series. 
No one wants to be average. You don’t want to be an average husband or wife. You don’t want to be an average parent. You don’t want to be an average friend, employee or boss. Yet “averages” are an indicator or what is most true about most of us. In this message we look at what Jesus taught His followers in the Sermon on the Mount that leads to a life that is Above Average. 
Every relationship has a climate – sunny, stormy, or even icy. And the current climate dictates the forecast. In this series, we will discover how we affect the emotional climate in our relationships. The truth for all of us is that at least one of our relationships could use a Climate Change. And until the climate changes, the forecast will remain the same. 
We love offering little nuggets of advice, support, or sympathy. They come in handy when we want people to feel better. But what if the guidance you’re giving or receiving just isn’t true? What if God Never Said That?
This four-week series tackles common myths about God and how those myths keep us from having a deeper relationship with Him. 
Passed down from generation to generation…
Legends of battles and floods, kings and giants…
Tales as old as time, but with truth that is timeless.
Our reoccurring summer message series began in 2013. 
The negative neighbor. The critical co-worker. The manipulative family member. We all have difficult people in our lives. Let’s learn how we can live with (and show love to) “Those” People. 
Every one of us has a story. We all want “My Story” to be a great story with a happy ending. The decisions we make today will determine the story we’ll tell tomorrow. Join us as we focus on living our lives according to God’s will. 
Hear what it was like to worship in truth and spirit as the first believers did on the day Jesus rode into Jerusalem.
While some of us loved our ‘growing up’ years, others of us couldn’t wait to move out and start fresh. Either way, we want our Future Family to be a step up from our families of origin. Most of us want something better for our children. But what? When it comes to family, what does a preferred future look like? What exactly are we aiming for? 
Souls REfreshed. Relationships REstored. Hearts REborn. God is the author of incredible stories of change and is ready to do the same in our lives. Learn how we can open the door to transformation in this message series, RE. 
T’was the month of December and throughout every store, every sign, window, shelf and display shouted more. More gifts for the kids and more gifts for the spouse. More gifts filling up every room in the house. What if more isn’t just about the things that we’ve bought? I say three cheers for more. More sharing. More hugs. More kindness to strangers. More joy, less humbug. Let’s make this the year of 100,000 Gifts. 
What does it mean to be a Christian? Ask 100 people that question and you are likely to get 100 different answers. In Christian, we will examine the characteristics Jesus used to define those who follow him and the implications they have for believers today. 
Join us as we look at some recently released movies and discover Biblical truths in modern culture. Get some popcorn in the lobby, sit back and enjoy as you discover how God is at work in the world around us, even in the themes of popular movies. God’s truth and love are so much a part of the world we live in that you’ll see God
“At the Movies”. This is a reoccurring message series.

Is your future caged up in your past? Instead of being dragged down and immobilized by the weight of guilt, pain, or a lingering sense of failure, what freedom could we find in laying those burdens down? Join us for
Getting Past Your Past.

In this day and age, it’s normal to deal with financial debt, high divorce rates, and bad relationships. But as Christians, we’re called to shake things up. Join us for this five-week series exploring life beyond normal. “Weird” covers topics like finances, marriage, evangelism, purity…basically all ways that God calls us to set apart from what is considered “normal”.

Passed down from generation to generation…
Legends of battles and floods, kings and giants…
Tales as old as time, but with truth that is timeless.
Our reoccurring summer message series began in 2013. 
Do you feel overwhelmed, dissatisfied, and stuck in a rut? Wishing your day-to-day life could improve? God’s Word is your guide to brighter days. When life hands you choices, choose Better.
Friends love you at your worst and can help you be your best, but many of us don’t realize the importance of who we choose to surround ourselves with. The friends you have help you determine the quality and direction of your life. Where are your friendships leading you? Join us as we discover Biblical wisdom about Friending. 
We want or family to enjoy peace, happiness, and contentment, but so often we stumble through our most important relationships. Let’s discover five family-altering qualities as we ask God to
Bless This Home.

“Changing methods… unchanging message” We believe that we should communicate with people in a way that they understand. This means that we must use methods that fit into our culture. We will use whatever means of communication that will help people to understand God’s message of truth. 
Too often, we don’t have the successful prayer times with God that we could have. Why? Simply because we don’t know where to begin – and then how to make it the best part of our day. Develop a dynamic relationship with God through the power of prayer. You’ll discover how prayer is as simple as having Conversations with God. 

Christmas is the season of music. We grew up singing Silent Night, White Christmas, Joy to the World, just to name a few. We often debate about when it is appropriate to start listening to Christmas music. Some are year-round “O Holy Night” listeners while others hold out until after Thanksgiving to hum along to “I’ll Be Home for Christmas”. Either way, there is something special about the anticipation of the birth of Jesus that builds by listening to those timeless classics. Get in the spirit of the season with us as we unpack rich truths reflected in some of your favorite
Christmas Classics.

Discovering God’s plan for our lives can be frustrating. Some have described it as the most challenging experience of the Christian life. But it doesn’t have to be. God created communication. And as your heavenly Father, he wants you to know His will for your life. Join us as we explain in very practical ways how to discover and embrace God’s Game Plan for your life.

Join us as we look at some recently released movies and discover Biblical truths in modern culture. Get some popcorn in the lobby, sit back and enjoy as you discover how God is at work in the world around us, even in the themes of popular movies. God’s truth and love are so much a part of the world we live in that you’ll see God “At the Movies”. 
This book contains several essays that discuss religion and how it relates to author Bob Goff and others. In each passage Goff relates several life lessons and how he believes that they can help the reader. Jarrod Sechler delivers this message offers some insights into the book and how we can put love into action.

How do you see yourself? A masterpiece or a mess? A survivor or a struggler? An advocate or a critic? Getting a perspective on how God sees you might give you a new view of yourself.

To the dead man, Jesus was life.
To the prostitute, he was a second chance.
To the searching, he was the long-awaited answer.
Who is Jesus to you? Discover what it means when he says, “I Am Jesus.” 

Passed down from generation to generation… Legends of battles and floods, kings and giants… Tales as old as time, but with truth that is timeless. Our reoccurring summer message series began in 2013.

Whether we’re nostalgic or over-scheduled, we can find ourselves longing for a simpler time… when the world seemed full of wonder, when joy was wholehearted and love was unrestrained. Let’s re-discover what it means to live and believe Like a Child. 

What does it mean to be truly free?

Whether you’re married, single, or struggling in a relationship, we all have questions about God, Love, and Sex. Get real life answers for real life relationships. 
God’s plan for each of us is that we live life to the fullest, even more than we can dream. Join us as we discover God’s plan for each of us.

Shake any family tree and you never know what kind of people might fall out. Let’s face it, we all have a relative or two we try to avoid at family gatherings. No surprise there. But here’s something you may not know. Jesus had a few shady characters in his family as well. Actually, he had some relatives that make your most wayward cousin look like a saint.

He turned water into wine, calmed a storm, made a blind man see, a crippled man walk again. So why do we sometimes lack the faith to believe that God can calm the storms in our own lives? What would it take for you to believe that the impossible is possible? A miracle? Join us as we learn about six different miracles and what they mean to us today.

Within this message series lies the truth. Actually, it’s the truth about lies and the truth about who God created us to be. There’s nothing little or white about them – lies keep us from finding our true identity: the identity we have knowing that we’re living up to the amazing potential that God has planned for us.